Interested Projects

Interested ProjectsRepair and maintenance service

With more than 10 years of experience of SIS expert - A member of Ngoc Long Hai Son Group in the field of maintenance and operation of power plants, SIS provides major repair servi...

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Interested Projects

In the first article of the topic, we will summarize the situation of wind power development in Vietnam (including policies and incentives for wind power, wind potential characteri...

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Interested Projects

The Long Son Power Center project has a scale of nearly 199.5 hectares, with about 109 hectares located within the boundary of the Industrial Park. In addition to Long Son Power Ce...

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Interested Projects

Ninh Thuan said, this project will start construction in the third quarter of 2021, and at the same time complete the construction and put the project into operation in the third q...

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Interested ProjectsWater Treatment Technology

Ngoc Long Hai Son Group has been cooperating with leading corporations and companies in Vietnam and in the world in the field of clean water treatment. One of them is Ion Exchange...

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Interested ProjectsRepair and maintenance service

Our staff has more than 10 years of experience in the supply, installation, processing, maintenance and repair of valves, pumps and electrical equipment. Other equipment in the oil...

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Interested ProjectsPorts and LNG storage facilitiesLNG Bac Lieu

Consecutive wind power projects have been completed and put into commercial operation, a $4 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) power project is also underway, Bac Lieu aims to be...

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Interested ProjectsPorts and LNG storage facilitiesLNG Binh Thuan

Liquefied natural gas power remains an important part of Vietnam's energy transition story. Investors continuously show a strong interest in this sector.

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Interested ProjectsRenewable ElectricityBiomass electricity

Biomass power generation is more and more popular because of its high energy efficiency, environmental protection and other advantages. This is a renewable energy with large reserv...

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